Skarby Górali Website

Mobile & WEB Development

Skarby Górali

A custom responsive website developed to showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the Polish highlander region.

Skarby Górali Banner

Project details

Software development

Fundacja Mapa Pasji

Software development

Cracow, Poland

Software development

PHP, JavaScript

Software development

Skarby Górali is a digital platform dedicated to preserving and sharing the history, traditions, and cultural heritage of the Polish highlander region. The website features a fully responsive custom design that provides an engaging experience for visitors interested in exploring the region’s past. Our team implemented the website along with a CMS panel, enabling the client to easily manage and update content. The site includes detailed historical narratives, images, and resources that highlight the unique aspects of highlander culture and history.

Our working process


We created a custom, responsive design that aligns with Skarby Górali’s mission of preserving and promoting the history of the Polish highlanders.

CMS Integration

A custom CMS panel was integrated into the website, allowing the Skarby Górali team to easily manage and update historical content, images, and resources. This ensures the site remains a dynamic and informative resource for visitors.

Testing and Optimization

Extensive testing was conducted to ensure the website’s performance, security, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. The site was also optimized for faster loading times and better user engagement.


Client request

Skarby Górali needed a new website to effectively showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the highlander region. They required a solution that provided a modern, user-friendly design while being easy to manage and update. Our team delivered a responsive website with a custom CMS, enhancing their ability to share and preserve this valuable cultural resource.

Skarby Górali Demo


Responsive Custom Website

A user-friendly, visually appealing website designed to showcase the history and cultural heritage of the Polish highlanders. The site is fully responsive, ensuring a consistent experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

CMS Panel

The integrated CMS panel allows for easy management of historical content, images, and resources, providing the Skarby Górali team with the tools needed to maintain and grow their digital archive.

Skarby Górali Calendar

Do you have the idea in mind?

Drop us a line and we will find the best way of you idea execution!