Nova Partner Website

WEB Development

Nova Partner Website

A WordPress website developed for Nova Partner, enhancing user engagement and streamlining operations for a leading taxi partner service in Poland.


Project details

Software development


Software development


Software development


Software development

Nova Partner is a dynamic taxi partner service operating in major Polish cities. The newly developed WordPress website offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, simplifying access to vital information for drivers and investors. Key features include detailed service descriptions, easy navigation, and comprehensive FAQs. The site also highlights Nova Partner’s modern fleet and investment opportunities, reflecting their commitment to transparency and support.

Our working process


We began by understanding the client’s needs and objectives, outlining core features and design requirements.

UI/UX Design

Our team created a clean, modern design focused on easy navigation and accessibility for drivers and investors.


Using WordPress, we developed a robust, scalable website, integrating essential functionalities optimized for performance and security.

SEO Implementation

We implemented advanced SEO strategies to improve the site’s visibility and search engine ranking.


Rigorous testing ensured the website’s functionality, performance, and security, providing a smooth user experience.

CRM Integration

We integrated a CRM system to streamline interactions with drivers and investors, enhancing relationship management and service delivery.


Client request

Nova Partner needed a comprehensive web solution to better serve their drivers and investors. They required a platform that facilitated seamless interactions and transactions. Our team delivered a custom WordPress website that enhanced their online presence and operational efficiency.

Nova Partner Website


WordPress Website

A modern, user-friendly website supporting Nova Partner’s operations, featuring:

  • Detailed service sections
  • Easy navigation for drivers and investors
  • Comprehensive FAQs
  • Investment opportunities
  • Modern fleet showcase
  • Application forms and contact information

SEO and CRM Integration

Advanced SEO techniques to boost online visibility and a CRM system to enhance customer relationship management, ensuring Nova Partner stays connected with their community effectively.

Do you have the idea in mind?

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